• +91 87449 78606
  • info@panjtanfm.com

Office Cleaning

Office Cleaning

PANJTAN undertakes the entire cleaning in various types of business establishments. We have urbanized a personalised service system which is not only responsible but reliable too.

We always think to the fore when it comes to maintaining office development.

PANJTAN offers the following services

  • Daily cleaning of offices.
  • Regular deep cleaning
  • Cleaning of small offices in every 2 weeks.
  • Dusting.
  • Dishwashing
  • Cleaning of toiletries and sanitation products for restrooms.
  • Picking up of trash from grounds and parking areas
  • Disposal of waste
  • Perfuming Office equipments

Other services can be fitted into the program according to the customer's requirements.

We follow standards laid down by